Bootcamp Graduates!
We are very excited to share great news; two of the students who completed the coding course at Developers.Institute are embarking on a new journey - a Full-stack development bootcamp.
This is made possible due to the generosity of the Developers.Institute, who look at the students, see their tremendous potential, and will not stop until they are provided with the opportunity to fulfill their dreams.
When commenting on the abilities of both these students, the teacher stated:
"I have no doubt in my mind that if they do a bootcamp they will do really well. I put my hand on the fire. These two are really crazy when it comes to coding. They have made really nice webpages with images as well as an exciting layout. When I was in the bootcamp I wasn't anywhere near where they were, my eyes shine when I see them working, its crazy.”

Awet, one of the students who commenced a bootcamp this week stated:"I had no idea when I first heard of [programming]. But now I would love to be a programmer. I had a passion to take part. I have been doing graphic design. When I started the coding course, it was very fascinating. Its not easy and its time consuming. You have to be very focused. When you are in the process its very interesting. Being an African and from a country in the development tract, I see this as an opportunity for developing Eritrea.” He also says about the future, "With all that I have learned so far in the Developers Institute, I understood that a better future is awaiting us ahead. Especially - we as Africans - and the fact the the IT market is in the infant stage, we will utilize it very prudently."
Awet is originally from Eritrea and has a BA in Accounting. He is also a father of one.

Tesfalem said -
"I love coding because it really excites me; it is fun to do. It really excites me whenever I come across a problem, I get curious about solving it. I am a person who loves to solve problems, questions involving logic and thinking ability. Programming is fundamentally about creating solutions to problems. You can create something that can be extremely useful for people that can make their life and work easier.”
Tesfalem is originally from Eritrea. He completed high school in Eritrea, but because he is missing one document, does not have the opportunity to enter University in Israel without completing his high school diploma again.
Tesfalem speaks 5 languages (Tigryina, Hebrew, English, Arabic, Amharic), in addition to the computer programming languages!
We wish both Tesfalem and Awet the best of luck, we are here to support you every step of the way!