GED Obstacles Overcome
Some of you may remember our post from last year - where we shared the wonderful news that GED Testing Service - Home of the GED Programchanged their testing policy so that African asylum seekers in Israel can take the exams using their Israeli visas as ID, and without needing a passport. Before this change in policy, only people with a valid passport could take the exam - which meant it was impossible for asylum seekers to take this exam. General Education Diploma (#GED) is a locally and internationally accepted American High School Diploma. Many asylum seekers living in Israel dream of receiving their high school diploma, and are working hard by attending classes during the evening after a full day of work, and sacrificing work hours in order to attend classes and receive this certificate. A number of months ago, one particular asylum seeker, Adam, [pseudonym] shared his desire to receive his high school diploma. Adam explained that he does not have an Israeli visa, but believes that if given the opportunity to take the GED course, he would succeed in passing the exam. His desire to pursue his education and develop himself was so resolved; he said nothing will stop him. Even if he is not able to test, he wants to learn. He cut down his work hours and started studying an intensive GED course. With the GED course coming to an end, we recently wrote to the President of GED International to request that Adam be allowed to test with alternative ID, and explained that through no fault of his own, he did not have an Israeli visa or passport. We received a response from the president himself, who approved the exemption, and wrote: "We wish Adam the best of luck as he pursues his GED and we know he will do his best to make the world a better place. Education changes lives and Adam is on his way!” GED tests tens of thousands of individuals around the world per year and yet, this response was received within a few hours. Again, we witness the power of education, human empathy and connection. Thank you to GED International and GED-Pearson VUE Test Center for being true partners and advocates in removing the barriers to education and development! Thank you to Adam for his continued hard work and resilience, you are an inspiration.