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Monthly Updates - November 2017

Monthly Summary- November 2017


We are happy to say we have begun additional new vocational courses this month.

Cooking and baking in Tel Aviv- no doubt this is the happiest group of students eating delicious food they cook themselves throughout the course!

Cell phone repair in Ashdod- we are proud to reach out to the periphery in an effort to create opportunities for asylum seekers who live outside of Tel Aviv. We hope to expand these opportunities in the future to meet the demand of the community and their thirst for education.

Hairdressing and business for women in cooperation with the Eritrean Women’s Centre and Microfy. This is the fourth course we have offered, and we are so excited to extended women the opportunity to study! The women were excited to return this month to study the advanced hair dressing course this time concentrating on western hairstyling.

Additionally, we have been conducting research in a number of areas this month. Research regarding employment for asylum seekers with a special focus on our vocational course graduates. Another exciting research project we have begun this month is under the CLA program where we are conducting research on the needs of women in 3 main areas- education, employment and leadership. So that in the future we can create programs based on the findings to best suit the needs of our community.

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