Human Rights Day 2016

Human Rights Day is observed on December 10th. It commemorates the day in 1948 on which the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This declaration was drafted in response to the horrors of the Holocaust and the millions of homeless refugees left after World War II. By declaring that all human beings are "born free and equal in dignity and rights.. and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood", the UDHR sets out fundamental human rights to be universally protected. These rights include the right to equality before the law, freedom from arbitrary arrest or detention, right to asylum, freedom of opinion, and the right to education, among others. The declaration's impact still resonates unto the present day, as it serves as the cornerstone for many international and domestic laws. On December 10th and every day, ARDC stands up for human rights by assisting, protecting and empowering African asylum seekers and refugees in Israel. Founded in 2004, ARDC was one of the first organizations to address the needs of this vulnerable community and advocate for their rights and a more humane Israeli asylum system. ARDC continues to stand up for refugee rights in Israel by educating thousands of asylum seekers on their rights and empowering them on their opportunities. We continually strive to enable and ensure that all refugees and asylum seekers in Israel are from persecution, live in dignity and have an opportunity to realize their aspirations. Join us in honoring Human Rights Day by supporting our work and #Standup4HumanRights today!