How to Hire Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Israel
There are more than 40,000 refugees and asylum seekers registered by the Government of Israel, including 25,000 Africans (20,000 Eritrean and 3,000 Sudanese nationals) and 14,000 Ukrainian citizens. Founded as a non-profit in 2004, The African Refugee Development Center (ARDC) promotes the economic and social inclusion of African refugees and asylum seekers in Israel. To bolster social mobility and economic growth, ARDC provides people with access to education and vocational training opportunities, as well as job placement, to over 400 learners a year and 10,000 asylum seekers assisted to date.
*20,000 Eritrean, 3,000 Sudanese and others.
Who Can Be Hired?
Our graduates have valid work permits allowing them to work anywhere in Israel. The employer is not required to submit a visa request and doesn’t need to be involved in the process nor pay for it (which isn't the case with foreign workers). African asylum seekers themselves renew their visa every 6-12 months and Ukrainian nationals do so monthly.
Generally, there is nothing preventing the employment of asylum seekers who have a valid residence permit in Israel (2a5). An asylum seeker can be employed even if his residence permit says, "this temporary permit is not a work permit".
Restrictions on the Employment of Asylum Seekers:
It is prohibited to employ an asylum seeker who has the words "not permitted to work" on their residence permit.
There are asylum seekers whose residence permit forbids them from living and working in specific cities (Eilat and Tel Aviv). In these cases, it is forbidden to directly employ the asylum seeker in these cities - but they may be employed anywhere else in Israel.
Want to hire refugees? Fill out your contact details in the link and we will reach out to help you find your next hire.

How to Hire a Refugee?
Israeli labor laws apply to anyone working in Israel, regardless of their legal status. This includes the employer’s responsibility for social payments, transportation costs, etc. Asylum seekers are entitled to all rights afforded to Israeli workers, except residency tax credits. Note: A 15%-20% extra tax on employment costs of migrant workers was canceled in February 2022.
Deposit: Employers of asylum seekers are required to deposit 16% of the employee’s salary in a designated fund, beginning on the first day of employment. In contrast to previous policies, only the employer deposits money and the deposits are made in lieu of pension insurance, other savings accounts, provident funds, or severance pay. The worker can only draw this money in two instances - when leaving abroad or if granted an Israeli ID (but not as part of a group). Refunds will be made via a bank transfer to an Israeli bank account belonging to the employee, subject to the transfer of bank account details and confirmation of the account management, using the online form provided by the Population and Immigration Authority’s deposits unit. Deposits will include deposit money plus profits, minus management expenses and 15% income tax. The employees need to pay the deposit using this form. For additional information see the more detailed employer’s deposit guidelines.
Employment Contract: You must provide the employee with a signed copy of the contract. The contract needs to be in a language they understand.
Payslips: It is mandatory to produce pay slips. As most asylum seekers do not possess an Israeli Identity Card, you must insert the passport number in the relevant salary software. If an employee doesn’t possess a passport, you can write the visa or file number. Mark “foreign resident” where appropriate.
Medical Insurance: It is mandatory to provide the employee with medical insurance. The employer may deduct from the employee's salary up to one-third of the payment, but the amount deducted must not exceed NIS 134.46 (as of January 2023). It is highly recommended that the employee remains with the same insurance company, to maintain continuity of their rights.
To Procure Medical Insurance:
1. Select an agency licensed to insure migrant workers. Note that asylum seekers insure their children through an arrangement with Kupat Holim Meuhedet (קופת חולים מאוחדת). Private insurers (Ayalon, Harel) have an agreement with Kupat Holim Clalit. Once insured the employee will receive the HMO’s identification card.
2. Make sure the employee fills out the health insurance application form in a language they understand.
3. Submit and have the form signed by the agency.
4. Provide the employee with a copy of the policy in a language they understand.
5. The insurance policy is given for a period of one year; begin the renewal process three months prior to the prolicy's expiration.
For further information: Mandatory Medical Insurance Guidelines.
National Insurance: It is mandatory to insure the asylum seeker with National Insurance (Foreign Resident Insurance). In the absence of a passport, use the visa or file number. Provide the employee with a copy of the insurance payment receipt, which they would use in case of hospitalization. The employer may deduct an amount of .04% of the employee's salary. See the relevant pages on the National Insurance Institute’s website for additional information.
Payment: In the absence of documentation, many asylum seekers encounter difficulty when opening bank accounts. For this reason, and according to the wage protection law, they must be paid according to their ability to redeem the payment; for example, employees without a bank account must not be paid in restricted (crossed) checks.
Do you need a payment solution to hire your employees? ARDC is a DEEL partner. Check out their payroll solutions.
Responsibility for the Service Provider: If the employment is carried out through subcontractors, the body requesting the services must monitor and supervise to ensure that the employee’s full rights are upheld, and their salary is paid.
Want to hire refugees? Fill out your contact details in the link and we will reach out to help you find your next hire.
What Employers Must Pay